CoinIMP v1.1.2
May 14, 2018In last edition we focused on functional and visual improvements such as: validations, cross browser compatibility etc. Take a look at brief review next.
Wrong AV hashrate display in Dashboard
Visual bug of average hashes per second counter was fixed. Now you see correct values.
Validations for wallet and sites
Previously minor bugs appeared when you repeatedly clicked on Add button in wallet and sites.We fixed and improved it in this release.
Dashboard was disappearing in IE 11 and some other browsers
Our team has received many complaints regarding it, so we had to take action immediately. Now it works flawlessly in all browsers.
Vertical scrollbar was always visible
Our IMP decided that showing vertical scrollbar is good when you zoom in/out. In fact it’s not, so we removed it.
Small stuff
Many other small fixes and mini features not mentioned above. We share only the most important things, but our professional team of programming Imps is a lot busier than release notes suggest!